

May 22, 2023

Tech Tips for Following Bryan Johnson's Anti

Use technology you have—as well as gadgets you can buy today—to follow the key steps of this anti-aging regimen.

Ever wonder what you'd do if you were an eccentric millionaire with nothing but time and resources? Would you buy a private island, fly to space, or maybe pursue the dream of eternal youth?

Bryan Johnson—a tech millionaire who sold his company to PayPal for $800 million in 2013—not only chose the latter but is also documenting his quest through his latest venture, Project Blueprint: an ever-evolving health and wellness protocol aimed at reversing his body's biological clock.

While you might not be able to mirror Project Blueprint exactly (unless you also have nothing but time and resources), you might consider picking up a few tech tools that you can use to join the anti-aging revolution.

Project Blueprint is powered by measurement, and there are several types of gadgets you can use to get real-time updates on what's happening inside your body—useful information like heart rate, stress levels, and even brainwaves.

If you want to follow in Bryan Johnson's footsteps, you'll need to consider adding a biofeedback device and a sleep tracker to your wellness repertoire.

Biofeedback devices come in various shapes and sizes, each employing a unique and innovative approach. For example, the HeartMath Inner Balance device pairs with an app available for both Android and iPhone, using both visual and audio cues to guide you toward a state of relaxation and reduced stress.

The device includes a sensor that clips onto your earlobe. This sensor communicates with the app on your smartphone via Bluetooth. Its primary focus is measuring your heart rate variability (HRV), which refers to the variation in time intervals between your heartbeats.

Another popular biofeedback device is the Muse Headband, which provides real-time feedback on your mental state using electroencephalogram (EEG) technology. The headband's EEG sensors track activity in the prefrontal cortex, the part of your brain associated with cognitive functions such as attention, focus, and relaxation.

In a recent walk-through of his home, Johnson showed off various laser machines, ultrasound systems, electromagnetic stimulation machines, and red-light therapy devices, to name a few.

While we can't all have the kinds of devices that transform a multimillion-dollar home in California into a biotech lab like Johnson, some surprisingly affordable and practical biofeedback devices can help you gain insights into your body.

Johnson's blacked-out bedroom never sees the light of day. It's kitted out with two air purifiers (just one of several types of gadgets that can combat air pollution), copper-infused pillows, and something interesting on his nightstand: Pulsetto.

This neuromodulation device stimulates the vagus nerve, helping combat stress and anxiety, and helps Johnson get back to sleep if he wakes in the middle of the night.

There are of course other devices that you should consider if you want to monitor and improve your sleep. According to the Quantified Scientist on YouTube, the Apple Watch is the most accurate sleep-tracking wearable on the market.

Technological innovations are terrific at offering insights, metrics, and even gamifying fitness routines (who doesn't love a good challenge?). Yet, it's necessary to marry these tech solutions with natural health practices, such as eating a balanced diet and focusing on mindfulness.

Even Andrew Huberman's productivity routine includes exposure to sunlight, reading books, and the ubiquitous advice of reducing screen time before bed to improve productivity.

In particular, mindfulness—whether developed through meditation, yoga, or simply taking a moment to breathe and connect with your surroundings—is an integral facet of a holistic wellness approach.

Technology can guide you, (for example, apps on your Apple Watch can provide mindfulness exercises), but it's ultimately up to you to find your inner calm. In tandem, tech and non-tech solutions may be able to help slow down the clock, enhancing not only the length of your life but also its quality.

So how do you incorporate the many potential age-defying gadgets into your daily routine? Consider a basic tech-inspired anti-aging routine.

Bryan Johnson might have limitless resources for his quest for youth, but don't be discouraged. With some innovative gadgets coupled with traditional wellness practices, well-being is yours to be had.

The path to health and wellness is more of a marathon than a sprint, and each step—each night of tracked sleep, each mindful meal—is progress. Over time, your commitment could make you the newest contender in the Rejuvenation Olympics (yes that's now a thing!).

Sean is a long-time tech-enthusiast and early adopter who enjoys keeping up with the latest technological advances. He focuses on exploring how tech such as wearables and AI are impacting people's health and wellbeing. He has a master’s degree and, before writing for MakeUseOf, spent time as a technology instructor. He’s been writing about technology for over 10 years. When he’s not at his standing desk, you’ll find him on the volleyball court or on a mountain.